Posted on August 6, 2014

Do’s and Don’ts for gaining weight healthily

fitness/ weight


As hard as it may seem to believe, there are some people out there whose goals consist nothing of losing weight or finding ‘the perfect diet’. Instead, they are working towards putting on a few kilos because no matter how much they eat, they just can’t seem to put on any amount of weight.

While this is a dream for some, it is a nightmare for others – especially when these people are subjected to being called ‘too skinny’ or even ‘anorexic’ in some cases – oh, I know this all too well!

So if you want to gain weight in the healthiest way possible, then here are a few Do’s and Don’ts you might want to consider:

  • DO consume more calories than you’re burning.
  • DON’T spend your time binge eating.
  • DO blend your food and take it in a liquid form – this will help you consume more calories.
  • DON’T overdo it with the cardio – it’s your worst enemy right about now.
  • DO include some light exercise in your weekly routine, this will help you convert fat into muscle.
  • DON’T become besties with junk food – you want healthy fats, not bad fats!
  • DO keep track of what you eat.
  • DON’T skip any meals – aim to have at least six small meals a day.
  • DO get your 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. This will give your body the time it needs to build muscle as you rest.
  • DON’T check the weighing scale every single day – you will only disappoint yourself!
  • DO include a lot of protein in your diet i.e. chicken, fish, nuts etc.
  • DON’T be afraid of carbs – they will help keep your calories up.
  • DO keep snacks with you at all times.
  • DON’T get discouraged if you don’ see results soon, it’s all about being consistent and having patience!

Hopefully these tips will help you gain the extra kilo or two! Let us know how you get on if you do decide to try them out 🙂

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