A non-dairy alternative to milk is something that a lot of people look for- let’s face it, with obesity at it’s high, and many “unfortunate” enough to be lactose intolerant , everyone is on the look out for healthier alternatives when it comes to food.
Of course with the New Year only days away, I’m nearly certain that the majority will be “turning over a new leaf” (myself included), so to get ahead start, you can use this quick recipe as a replacement for regular milk – a food that can cause weight gain and trigger acne
What you need:
1 cup of almonds
4 cups of water
honey to sweeten (optional)
1 drop vanilla essence (optional)
1.Blend the almonds and water until it gets frothy
2.Filter the mixture into a glass (or jar) using a sieve
3.Put what ever is left in the sieve back into the blender with some water and repeat
4.Refrigerate for a couple of days
5 beauty benefits to drinking almond milk:
Helps in weight loss. A serving of almond milk milk has nearly half as many calories as a serving of regular milk, so this is a guilt free milk (in moderation of course)
Helps build muscle. It contains vitamin D, calcium, and many chemical properties such as iron which is responsible for muscle repair. So if you’re not a fan of protein shakes, a glass of almond milk should do the trick!
Antioxidant. Almond milk is enriched in vitamin E, a well known antioxidant which protects the skin from damage caused by the environment. Replacing almond milk with regular milk will help promote glowing skin.
Oil regulation in the skin. It contains essential fatty acids that help control how much oil is released by sebaceous glands. This can reduce how much oil is trapped and clogged in the pores.
Hydrates the skin. It can be used as a topical solution for dry and flaky skin. Properly moisturised skin can prevent premature aging.
Note: Almonds, like many other nuts are high in Omega 6 (too much of it can cause high blood pressure) so remember everything in moderation!
I know Alpro do a nice almond milk, but making it yourself works out a lot cheaper…..so now that you know how to make almond milk at home, there’s no reason why you should go back to drinking that fat injecting regular milk right? it’s your call!
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