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dry skin

Posted on October 17, 2017

The Body Shop Amazonian Saviour Balm*

product review

For centuries, Amazonian communities have relied on potent natural ingredients to care for wounded and tattooed skin. These same natural oils are used to enrich our Amazonian Saviour Multi-Purpose Balm

If you know me personally, then you would know that I don’t just use the hashtag girls with ink for the heck of it – although I wouldn’t put it past me if I did, seeing that I have a habit of exaggerating with my hashtags….

Nonetheless, that particular hashtag is one that I use with good reason; I have a tattoo on my ankle. I’ve had it for about ten years at this stage and like any tattoo, it has faded overtime. So when the opportunity to try The Body Shop Amazonian Saviour Multi-Purpose Balm (€15.00) arose, I couldn’t turn it down.

This product has an oil-rich texture making it beneficial to use on more than just tatted skin. While it does a stellar job at reviving the appearance of tattoos, it also nourishes dry skin and is said to improve the appearance of skin marks.

The Body Shop Multi-Purpose Balm,€15.00

It is 100% vegetarian and only uses a total of nine natural-origin ingredients. Namely, sunflower seed oil, vitamin E, citric acid from citrus, cera bellina wax, community trade beeswax, organic andiroba oil, candeia tree’s bisabolol and community trade organic babassu oil.

The combination of these nine ingredients creates a nourishing multi-tasking beauty balm. But much like any beauty product, application is key to ensuring you get the most out of the ingredients.

Here are three unique techniques developed by skincare specialist Dr. Christine Choi Kim, designed to target tattoos, skin marks and dry skin.

The infinity massage

To enhance the vibrancy of healed tattoos:

  1. Polish tattoo with a gentle exfoliator
  2. Apply balm to clean, dry fingertips and trace the figure eight onto tattoo
  3. Repeat as often as needed
  4. Use SPF to protect tattoo

The hashtag massage

To help reduce the appearance of skin marks:

  1. Warm a small amount of the balm between clean, dry fingertips
  2. Apply with consistent pressure to skin marks tracing the hashtag symbol
  3. Finish using circular motions
  4. Use plenty of SPF

The raindrops massage

To moisturise dry skin:

  1. Apply the balm to hands, fingertips and cuticles
  2. Warm a small amount between fingertips and lightly tap dry-skinned areas with a ‘pitter-patter’ raindrops motion
  3. Finish with a light sweep over lips for extra conditioning

Massaing your skin is great for boosting circulation,bringing oxygen to the area and helping to remove toxins. It also warms the skin, which makes it easier for moisturising formulas to sink in

– Dr. Christine Choi Kim

The Body Shop Multi-Purpose Balm,€15.00

Have you got your paws on this Amazonian Saviour balm yet? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to tweet me @FilomenaKaguako 🙂

NOTE: €1.50 from every Amazonian Saviour Multi-Purpose Balm purchased will go towards building bio-bridges to help protect endangered species whilst enabling communities to live more sustainably. For more information, pop into The Body Shop or visit

*This product was gifted to me, but all views remain my own

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Posted on November 16, 2014

Top tips for moisturising the skin

Beauty/ Skincare


Moisturisers do more than simply keep your skin hydrated; they are the true foundation of youth. The right one will enhance your skin by making it look brighter, smoother and healthier.  As well as that, they keep your skin protected from the weather and all the nasty chemicals polluting the air.

Whether you have dry skin, normal skin, combination skin or oily skin, it will benefit from you using some sort of moisturiser.

Here are some pro tips for moisturising the skin:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them properly before applying moisturiser.
  2. Use a  nickel-size amount on the face.
  3. Warm the moisturiser between your hands before usage.
  4. Always apply moisturiser while the skin is slightly damped.
  5. Use firm upward strokes during application.
  6. Gently press the product on the skin until it’s been completely absorbed.
  7. Use an oil control around our T-zone if you have oily skin.
  8. Use a balm with ingredients such as shea butter or glycerine, if you have dry skin.
  9. Always use a separate balm formulated specifically for lips.
  10. Mix a few different textures of moisturisers to get the best results i.e cream with natural oils.
  11. A fast-absorbing eye cream under concealer will help the skin under the eyes look smooth.
  12. Always use an SPF.

Hope you found these tips useful, if you have anything to add, then feel free to share!

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Posted on February 17, 2014

Dry skin VS dehydrated skin

Natural beauty
I recently went to The Buff Day Spa to get a mini facial and somewhere between the time that I arrived and the time that I left, I found out that my skin is dehydrated – I know right, how could a person who is prone to oiliness ever suffer from dehydrated skin right?
Those were my thoughts exactly.
Up until now, I was part of the confused group of people who thought dry skin is caused by a lack of water and moisture in the skin and that a person prone to oiliness could never suffer from skin dehydration, but boy have I been wrong….
Although one part of this misconception is true, the other part couldn’t be further from the truth and here’s why:
Dry skin is a skin type so if you’re born with it, chances are you’ll die with it too –sorry but it’s the truth. It usually occurs when someone has under active oil glands. This means that the skin doesn’t produce as much oil that it needs to stay moisturised, leaving them with a rough and flaky appearance.
Dehydrated skin on the other hand is a skin condition, meaning it’s easier to treat than dry skin. Often caused by external factors like the weather or harsh cleansers, dehydrated skin lacks water content but is still able to produce oils – which is why someone with oil skin can also have dehydrated skin.
The underlying  difference between the two if that one is a skin TYPE and the other is a skin CONDITION. The only way to treat either one is to use products recommended for your skin.
I’m currently using Dermalogica Dermal Clay Cleanser and I’m quite liking it at the moment. I’ll wait until I finish the whole bottle before doing a review, but so far so good.
If you’re unsure of your skin type,you can find out here.

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Posted on January 7, 2014

D.I.Y almond face masks


home-made almond milk

Every now and then, it’s a good idea to use natural products to make face masks. For starters, it’s can work out a lot cheaper and on top of that, you have full control over what you use, so you don’t have to be fooled into thinking you’re getting something else (believe me, it happens!)

As I mentioned before, almonds are packed with vitamin E which are very good for the skin, it has anti-aging properties and can help promote glowing skin. When used topically, it gently exfoliates the skin as well as keeping it hydrated.

So here are a few masks you could use for to tackle different skin problems:

Dull skin/Sensitive skin: Use an almond and honey mask

This will give your skin a special glow making it look more alive. Mix two spoonfuls of almond powder with one spoon of honey. Apply to face after cleansing and leave for no more than 20 minutes before rinsing out- watch your skin glow.

Dry skin: Use an almond, oats and lemon mask

Oats will soothe dry and itchy skin, while the lemon makes for a great skin toner.  Take one tablespoon of almond powder and oats and then mix with two tablespoons of lemon. Make a paste and apply on the skin after cleansing.

Oily skin: Use an almond, honey and lemon mask

As in the other masks, the almond will gently exfoliate your skin , while the honey and lemon will help tighten and brighten your skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of  each and apply to the skin after cleansing. Leave on for about 20 minutes before cleaning face.

There you have it, a few different ways you can use almonds in a face mask! If you know any other variations of these masks, feel free to throw them my way!

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Posted on August 28, 2013

Willow Water

Beauty/ Natural beauty/ product review/ Youthful Skin

willow water

If there is one thing that a great skin care regime needs, it’s plenty of water. But, why drink any old water when you can have one that has naturally occurring beautifying properties?

I couldn’t agree more!

Honestly, I find it hard to disagree with anything that’s good for you and also has beauty benefits,  because it really is a win win. So when nearly 20l of Willow Water was sent to me for review I couldn’t wait to get started to see how it works……

So how does it work?

Willow Water contains a unique blend of minerals which has been proven to be effective in beautifying the skin. The high levels of calcium and the salicin in the Willow Water (sourced from the salicin enriched willow tree) contain anti-flammatory properties which can improve your skins appearance.

Who did it work for?

2 in 3 women with dry skin at the start of the trial felt their skin condition had improved by the end of it
5 out of 6 women who considered their skin condition to be oily at the start of the trial reported improvements
Of those suffering acne prior to the trial, 3 out of 4 reported improvements

Did it work for me?

Honestly, I have yet to see improvements in my complexion or blemishes on my skin, but then again, that could be because I haven’t been drinking Willow Water for long enough to make a judgement. All of the other testimonies were taken up to 6 weeks after being introduced to Willow Water.

Final verdict?

I will continue to drink Willow Water, (not religiously though) because it actually tastes nicer than some water you can get! Also, I love the packaging (quite a sophisticated bottle for water some would say) so carrying 1.5l of Willow Water isn’t the least bit embarrassing!

If you want to find out more about Willow Water, and are interested in getting some for yourself check out their website below:


P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to be in a chance to take part of my free giveaway! 

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