Shout out to the person who tweeted that because relationship weight is as real as it comes. In fact it is something that I am currently battling with and not because I’m rejecting it completely. But mainly because I am struggling to discern whether or not I secretly adore my new curves.
Regardless of the case, the one place I’ve always detested adding a few kilos is around my waist so for that reason alone, I decided my new predicament warranted a bit of research into why being in a new relationship is a culprit for weight gain.
According to various studies, entry into a romantic relationship is associated with obesity in a lot of couples. Now before we get ahead of ourselves, I think I should point out that it’s not all doom and gloom since it doesn’t apply to each and every couple.
Generally speaking, the kilos a budding couple puts on is often due to a result of the transition from on relationship status to another. A change in relationship status be it getting into a new one or the breakdown of an old one can result in a change of health behaviours – both positive or negative.
Happy couples in particular have an increased risk of picking up unhealthy behaviour due to date nights out or overeating during a (genuine) Netflix marathon. In a nutshell, dieting is derailed in the early stages of a new relationship.
However, it is also said that cohabiting couples are more likely to experience weight gain within two years with women having a higher chance of becoming obese within a year and the men’s odds increasing within two years.
So what does that mean for us? Shall we just chuck any diet plans we had in mind out the window seeing that we’re going to pile on the weight anyways? I think not!
Here are some guidelines for you and your other half to help keep both of your waistlines under control (disclaimer: if you so choose to) 🙂
1. Fakeaway for two
It can be quite the challenge to revert back to your own meal planning routine when you begin to share your time and schedule with someone else. But just because you’ve stepped off the path temporarily, it doesn’t mean things need to remain that way.
The usual date night plans of dinner and drinks eventually will decrease overtime and rather than falling into a habit of replacing it with takeaways, a healthier option would be to make dinner at home.
There are plenty of tasty recipes you can enjoy for fewer calories and a fraction of the price you’d pay at a restaurant. The result? You’d be keeping your waistline happy as well as the aul bank account! If you’re feeling brave, here is the cauliflower pizza recipe.
2. Exercise together
Diet habits tend to take a back seat when you’re besotted with someone and when this happens it is only natural that a regular exercise regime also gets derailed.
Whether you’re an avid gym goer or not, getting into the habit of exercising with your partner is a great way to stay on top of the relationship weight.
You can lift each other up when one person is feeling dissuaded and it’s also a great form of bonding. What sort of exercise? Power walking, swimming, gym classes, there are plenty of options!
3. But not exclusively
While it is great to have someone to encourage you to workout when you’re not feeling particularly motivated, it is equally important to remember that you shouldn’t exercise exclusively when your other half does.
Yes, couples that sweat together stay together (at least according to the ‘gram), but you are your own person and just because they need a rest day, it doesn’t mean you should follow suit.
Let the positive behaviours influence your gym schedule, not the negative ones!
4. Meal plan
I’m an absolute divil for wanting fresh food and meals so I will hold my hands up and say that I am guilty of not making meal prep a priority for the week ahead. But the amount of money I’ve spent on salads or sushi for lunch when I don’t meal prep is a lot more than I’d like to admit.
So I of all people would know that meal prep is absolutely everything. When you plan your meals ahead it means you can avoid buying the cheaper and often unhealthy option for lunch or dinner.
It also means you’ll do a weekly food shop and consequently not spend as much of your hard earned cash on food when you’re out. Here is a simple protein pancake recipe.
5. Get more shut eye (this is when my age starts to show)
Getting a night of solid sleep really does make a difference particularly because the hormones that govern hunger and appetite can be affected when a person doesn’t get enough sleep.
While this can be difficult to accomplish when sharing a bed with someone (for more reasons than one) a good way around this would be to spend some time in your own bed (alone) to get a good nights sleep.
Like most things in life, there are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration when trying to make sense of why finding love carries the potential for packing on a few kilos. Some people embrace the change while others are less welcoming to this type of change.
Whatever category you fall into, just remember that you need to do what’s best for you because whether you like it or not looking good is feeling good! 🙂
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