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green tea

Posted on February 19, 2018

5 ways to detox after a weekend of binge eating


5 ways to detox after a weekend of binge eating

Is it just me or does anyone else have a non-existent healthy eating regime over the weekend? As much as I try to lead a healthy life, I always find myself being a bit more lenient about my food choices as the week progresses and by Friday evening, any balanced diet I thought I had goes straight out the window.

The weekend gone was particularly bad, for reasons I will not get into (Mother Nature’s monthly visit) *cough* I indulged in almost every sugary treat in sight: from marshmallows dipped in melted chocolate to soft sponge Madeira cake – the recollection is torturous, alright!

But much like any vicious cycle, I ended up riddled with guilt by Sunday evening. Although it might not be possible to undo extreme levels of binge eating, I do believe that a good detox can help re-establish a healthy lifestyle after the fact.

Here are some of the things I will be doing this week to help me get back on track. If your weekend was anything like mine, I suggest you give these a try also:

1. Hit the gym

Irish fitness bunny sitting on gym ball

This is probably the last thing you want to be hearing. But as someone who spent yesterday afternoon sweating off my weekend binge, I can attest to exercise being a good place to start. Even though you can’t out train a bad diet, you can start your week off with activities that will pump your body with feel-good hormones, which will motivate you to stay on top of things. Don’t feel obliged to start off with an intense workout however, exercise should never be a punishment. Exercise is your friend, not the enemy and food is your fuel – never forget that! 🙂

2. Flush it out with H20


I always find myself drinking more water than usual after a weekend of overeating. All the extra salt and sugar in the body’s system after an indulgent weekend can dehydrate the body and lead to bloating and tiredness, that’s why it is important to put in a little bit more effort to flush out toxins. Staying hydrated throughout the day is always helpful. I find that having a glass of uisce first thing in the morning, before and after every meal and before bed is a good rule to follow.

3. Clipper Organic and Fairtrade Detox Green Tea*

Clipper Teas Organic Detox Green Tea

A delicious and mellow green tea with a refreshing citrus burst and the fragrant boost of elderflower, nettle and fennel

If you get bored of the water and want to switch things up a bit, then Clipper Teas is the perfect solution. I’ve been sipping on this citrus brew over the past couple of days and have found it to be absolutely heavenly. According to Nutritional Therapist Libby Limon, green tea has “high levels of plant chemicals that work in your liver to help neutralise and eliminate toxins.” Having about 2 – 3 cups of Clipper Organic and Fairtrade Detox Green Tea a day can help support the body’s detoxification system and make you feel more revitalised after an overindulgent weekend! 🙂

RRP: £2.05, Waitrose (UK) or Holland & Barratts (IRE) 

4. Steam it up

Facial steamer

As little as ten minutes a day in the steam room can do your body the world of good. I used to frequent the sauna in my gym, but found that it would often leave me with breakouts on my face that resembled a heat rash. I switched the sauna for the steam room and it has come with a host of benefits. As well as helping to sweat out any pollutants, it offers mental and physical relaxation. If we want to be a bit vain about it (why not) regular steam room sessions also brighten up the skin, leaving it with a healthy and natural glow.

5. Sleep tight

Sleep it works

Having an early night is not only important for feeling energised in the  morning. But I find when I clock out early, I avoid the temptation of having a late night snack. You might not have noticed, but the longer you stay up, the more likely you will feel peckish and eat unnecessarily. Since most reasonable snacks have about 200 calories, it would be fair to say that skipping late night snacks can result in saving about 1,000 calories by the end of the week – I don’t know about you, but it sounds to me like getting a few extra early nights a week might be more beneficial than you’d think!

I hope you find these suggestions helpful, and remember: you’re allowed to fall off the track every now and again, we’re only human. All that matters is that you get back up and focus on the future. Should you find yourself falling victim to another cheeky weekend, feel free to refer to this list again! 🙂

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*This product was sent to me by a PR company, please find disclaimer here.

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Posted on September 11, 2016

Teatox: 6 things I liked about Yo Tea

Health/ product review


I can already sense some of you diehard fitness fanatics judging me as I write this. But before you start going on a rampage about how much you dislike the idea of teatoxing, do hear me out. I was in no shape or form trying to lose a ton of weight when I first started this 28-day teatox – If anything, I could probably do with a few extra booty gains!

One of the main reasons why I decided to give Yo Tea* a try is because prior to starting it, I had fallen off track: I was incredibly stressed with work and other things so my diet was nowhere near where I wanted it to be, gym was no longer bae, I really needed something to give me a boot up the bum and Yo Tea did exactly that for me!

I took it for 28 days. Once a day for the first week because I wanted to introduce it to my body very gradually. And then after a few days or so, I started taking it in the morning and evening, as per instructed.

Yo Tea offers a highly effective detox solution based on an ancient recipe that was originally created to help with digestion. The special combination of plant extracts, herbs and Oolong Green tea, helps with the purification of the body’s cells.

Drinking Yo Tea tea daily, combined with regular moderate exercise and a sensible eating regime will help you to safely achieve your detox goal.

After reading up on Yo Tea, I thought it would be safe for me to start using it for a much-needed pre-holiday detox. So without further ado, here are the six things I liked about taking Yo Tea:

1. The toilet seat isn’t your best friend

Apologies for being so blunt, but I’m sure this is what most people would assume when it comes to teatoxing: In one end and out the other just as fast! Surprisingly enough, I didn’t pass stool excessively with this tea. They say it takes 8 hours for the laxative effects to kick in but for me it was usually within an hour. I don’t mean to over share, but I do think it’s important to highlight these things, especially if you plan on having one before taking an hour long bus journey to work, or God forbid, are staying over at a new partner’s place*awkward*  So to answer what you’re thinking, I didn’t spend a whole month with the runs! Again, apologies…

2. It helps remove harmful toxins

The only times Yo Tea had a laxative effect of me was when I ate junk food. Any time I nibbled on something even as little as a few nuggets from Mc Donald’s, I’d find my stomach getting crampy, noisy and then…. I’m sure you can figure out the rest!

3. It helps put you in the right mind set

Because of the unpleasant experience that can come from eating junk food while on Yo Tea, I found myself avoiding cheat meals a lot more than usual. Rather than snacking on ice cream or crisps, I’d have a homemade protein instead. It really put me in the right mind set of wanting to eat healthier.


4. It increases energy levels

I found myself going to the gym a lot more once I started taking this tea. I went at least three days a week, and sometimes even five! I slowly started to see my energy levels increase because of it and the gym became bae again 🙂

5. It reduces bloating

This is a massive one for me. Everyone who sees me tells me I don’t have a pick on me, however I do suffer from bloating and my stomach has always been a problem area for me. Taking Yo tea helped reduced the bloat for me and I even felt less sluggish after eating heavier meals.

6. It tastes like regular tea

Being a teatox newbie and seeing the awful effects teatoxing has had on people around me in the past, I just assumed this tea would taste awful too! It doesn’t. Yo Tea looks and tastes exactly like regular tea, it even tastes a bit sweet so you don’t always have to add a sweetener to it!


These are six things that I liked about Yo tea and this is how my body reacted to taking it. No two people will react the same way to a product because everyone’s body is different. Just remember, you can’t out run your fork and a tea isn’t a magic bullet for weight loss or good health. Do your lunges, eat your greens and if you can get Yo Tea as an addition to an already healthy lifestyle, then you’ll be all the better for it! 🙂

You can get a 30-day bag supply of Yo Tea (€29.95) exclusively from Therapie Clinic in store or online.

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*Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for review purposes, but all views and opinions are my own.

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9 foods for a flatter tum

fitness/ food/ Health

lean abs

You can do all the abs in the world, if you wanted to. But, if you don’t pay attention to what goes into your mouth, then all your hard work will most likely go to waste. “Abs are made in the kitchen,” is probably one of the most used lines by fitness fanatics,and I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but it is true – if you want to get rid of ab flab, you need to make wiser food choices.

The good news is, that there are a lot of tasty foods out there that actually encourage weight loss around your midsection, so you don’t have to confine yourself to a life of leaves and tasteless meals.

Here are some foods that can help trim down a few inches on the waist:


Salmon, along with other seafoods such as tuna and mackerel, are a great source of omega-3 acids. These fats can help reduce a few inches off your midsection by making your metabolism more efficient. They also contain ab-friendly proteins –hello, six pack!


Eggs are loaded with protein and filling properties. Eating a heavy dose of eggs will help keep you full which will make you less likely to overindulge on unhealthy snacks. As for the protein, eggs are highly praised by dietitians for how much protein it has (about 6 grams per egg).


Foods that have a high water content tend to take up more room in your gut. This means you stay full for much longer and consume less unhealthy foods through out the day. The hunger busting properties in foods like apples and pears can surely help you get the midsection you’ve always wanted.

leafy greens

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli help shrink your waistline because they’re low in calories and high in calcium. Calcium is needed for muscle contraction so the more greens you eat, the quicker you’ll see results.


Beans are often avoided by people because eating too much can give off gas (just calling a spade a spade here!). But, a lot of people don’t know that they help burn fat and develop muscle. The best part is, they minimise the whole “I just ate a horse” look – so it’s a win-win!


Quinoa has become a recent addition to my diet. This grain looks like a mix between brown rice and couscous, and is very high in dietary fibre and protein. A serving of quinoa can fend of hunger as the day progresses so it’s a good idea to have it early in the day! Oh and it’s pronounced keen-wa, in case you were wondering! 🙂

abs are made in the kitchen

Green Tea

Green tea can help fire off fat by stimulating the body to burn ab fat. Consuming green tea on a regular basis helps cause your metabolism to work at a faster weight. Since fat is stored as fuel for the body, a metabolism which consumes fat at a faster rate helps you drop a few extra pounds – guess it’s time to ditch those diet teas!

Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt contains more protein than regular yoghurt. As you probably already know at this stage, protein is essential for building muscle mass and trimming down on a few inches. When choosing greek yoghurt, be sure to go for the unflavoured kind which is full of sugar. Oh and remember, your body burns more calories digesting protein than it does digesting carbs!

Skinned almonds

Not only do almonds contain fibre and protein, they also contain magnesium, a mineral that is needed to produce energy, build muscle tissue and regulate blood sugar. Since having a stable blood sugar level reduces cravings, almonds make for a great healthy snack – just make sure you avoid salted almonds (sodium makes you retain water which puffs up the belly – that’s not exactly the aim here!).

I hope you found this useful, if you’ve started eating any foods to trim down the tum, do let me know! 🙂 xx

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