Posted on March 24, 2014

The benefits of exfoliating

Skincare/ Youthful Skin

If you don’t exfoliate your face on a regular basis, then your skin probably isn’t as healthy as it could be. Yes, you cleanse twice a day and yes, you do up a face mask once a week. But, since those don’t give you the same benefits as exfoliating, you’ll probably always wonder why your skin can sometimes look dull.

Well, that’s where exfoliation comes into play…….

When you exfoliate, you get rid of the dead skin cells that lie on the surface of your skin. This means, fresh and new skin cells get a chance to expose themselves and give you a smoother and brighter appearance. But wait, it doesn’t end there. Exfoliating has a lot more benefits than that (as if smoother skin isn’t enough right?)

  • It gets rid of greasiness and impurities on your skin
  • Beauty products penetrate better when you exfoliate so you get the most out of them
  • It increases blood circulation which improves the color of your skin – farewell to dull skin
  • It keeps your pores clean which helps prevent breakouts
  • It helps you maintain an even skin tone
  • It helps you get a better tan (not that I need it)

The benefits of exfoliating may have you rushing to your local chemist to buy an exfoliator. But, excessive exfoliating thins out your skin, so it’s important that you don’t do it more than twice a week.

Remember to buy an exfoliator that tailors to the needs of your skin. People with oily skin have a thicker epidermis layer which means they can handle an exfoliator with a mild astringent effect, unlike people with dry skin, who require something more gentle.

Also, your lips are just as important as your face so remember to use a lip scrub. Here’s a recipe for a D.I.Y lip exfoliator for softer and smoother lips.

I hope you’ll begin to embrace one of the things I enjoy the most when it comes to my beauty routine!

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