All you Nutella fans are probably reading this with disgust and thinking ‘How could any homemade chocolate spread compare to the one you buy in the shop – especially to Nutella.‘
Believe it or not, it is possible to find a good recipe for a homemade chocolate spread that tastes even remotely like the store-bought stuff. If you ever dared to search for a recipe online, you’d find that there are more than just a few floating around the net that don’t quite cut it.
This recipe however, is probably the closest you’d get to the real stuff and best of all, it is dairy-free and refined sugar-free too!
What you’ll need:
- 225g hazelnuts
- 120g coconut sugar
- 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 6 – 8 tbsp water
- Preheat the oven to 150C, then arrange the hazelnuts on a lined and rimmed baking tray.
- Toast the nuts for about 20 minutes and once the skins begin to crack, remove from heat and allow to cool.
- Remove as much skin from the nuts by rubbing them in a clean kitchen towel – don’t worry if you don’t manage to get it all off!
- Put the peeled nuts in a food processor and then process until creamy. You can stop to scrape down the sides if needs be.
- Once you have a smooth butter (usually takes about 5 – 6 minutes with a decent food processor), add the coconut sugar, cocoa powder, coconut oil and 3 tbsp of water and blend, blend, blend!
- Taste the mixture once it is well combined and add tbsp of pure maple syrup if it isn’t sweet enough for your taste buds. It will also give your chocolate spread that glossy look Nutella has (as if it isn’t irresistible enough as it is, right?)
- Keep processing the mixture until it reaches your desired consistency. If it’s too thick, add one tbsp of water at a time (5 tbsp are usually enough).
- Store the finished spread in a sealed container in the fridge for no more than a week.
- Enjoy!
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