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Posted on October 27, 2015

The truth about carbs


good carbs vs bad carbs

A low-carb diet has never been my thing. I have always been a firm believer that all foods should be consumed in moderation. That’s why I continue to be baffled by those who are constantly carb-counting or totting up their calories half-way through the day. In my eyes, carbs are not the enemy.

What a lot of people don’t realise is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with carbohydrates. Provided you eat the right ones and in the right quantities, carbs are needed for our brain and body to function normally. And I’m not just saying this because I am a carb addict – or bread addict – to be precise. I’m saying this because I have made a recent discovery that I’m going to share with you.

The human saliva contains an enzyme which helps breakdown starch into sugars. This means that biologically, we are supposed to eat carbohydrates – Mother Nature wants this for us people! It just comes down to whether we eat the right ones or not.

There are two types of carbohydrates: complex carbs (the good) and simple carbs (not so good). Complex carbs take time to digest. These include whole and unrefined grains, fibre and vegetables. Simple carbs on the other hand, provide the body with a quick burst of energy. These include refined starches and sugars added during food processing.

Good carbs

good carbs

Unrefined grains

Unrefined grain products like brown rice, whole-grain pasta, beans, whole wheat bread, buckwheat, oats etc are considered to be good carbs. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, which are all essential to your health. Because they are slowly digested, they cause a slower change in blood sugar levels.


Fibre is a good carb that isn’t digested by our body. However, it is needed for intestinal health as it aids with digestion and ensuring that damaging toxins are excreted from the body. Foods high in fibre include leafy greens such as broccoli, beans, lentils, apples and pears.

Not so good carbs

bad carbs

Refined starches

White-flour breads, pasta and rice. Crackers, biscuits and other baked packaged foods are all considered as refined carbs. The bran, hull and fibre are removed from the grain during the refinement process meaning they contain little to no fibre and a lot of minerals and nutrients are lost.

Refined sugars

Refined sugars are probably one of the worst things you can feed your body with. These include sucrose, lactose, molasses and fruit juice concentrates. High level of sugar consumption can lead to extreme fluctuations in energy, more sugar cravings and mood swings.

In a nutshell: good carbs take time to digest in the body and as a result, you stay fuller for longer. They include whole-grain foods and vegetables. Bad carbs give you a sudden burst of energy and as a result cause a fluctuation in blood sugar levels. They include sweets and refined starches.

So before you unfairly black-list some carb-loaded foods, ask yourself this: is it a good carb or not? 🙂

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Energising carrot juice

Not so guilty pleasure/ recipes


Carrots are full of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, C and E, all needed for good eyesight, a better immune system and maintaining healthy cells – but it doesn’t end there.

Since they’re also loaded with antioxidants, a regular consumption of carrots (or this energising carrot juice) can help promote glowing skin.

You ready to get started?  Here’s what you need:

2 large carrots
Thumb-size piece of ginger
Zest of lemon
Honey (optional)

1.Throw everything into a blender with water and process it until it gets frothy.
2.Filter the mixture into a glass using a sieve or a cheese cloth.
3.Put the remainder back in the blender with more water and repeat.
4.Serve right away or keep in the fridge.

Note: Carrots are naturally sweet so you don’t need to add any honey to it. For extra hydration, you can add some celery to the juice!

Let me know how you get on with this!

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Posted on August 28, 2013

Willow Water

Beauty/ Natural beauty/ product review/ Youthful Skin

willow water

If there is one thing that a great skin care regime needs, it’s plenty of water. But, why drink any old water when you can have one that has naturally occurring beautifying properties?

I couldn’t agree more!

Honestly, I find it hard to disagree with anything that’s good for you and also has beauty benefits,  because it really is a win win. So when nearly 20l of Willow Water was sent to me for review I couldn’t wait to get started to see how it works……

So how does it work?

Willow Water contains a unique blend of minerals which has been proven to be effective in beautifying the skin. The high levels of calcium and the salicin in the Willow Water (sourced from the salicin enriched willow tree) contain anti-flammatory properties which can improve your skins appearance.

Who did it work for?

2 in 3 women with dry skin at the start of the trial felt their skin condition had improved by the end of it
5 out of 6 women who considered their skin condition to be oily at the start of the trial reported improvements
Of those suffering acne prior to the trial, 3 out of 4 reported improvements

Did it work for me?

Honestly, I have yet to see improvements in my complexion or blemishes on my skin, but then again, that could be because I haven’t been drinking Willow Water for long enough to make a judgement. All of the other testimonies were taken up to 6 weeks after being introduced to Willow Water.

Final verdict?

I will continue to drink Willow Water, (not religiously though) because it actually tastes nicer than some water you can get! Also, I love the packaging (quite a sophisticated bottle for water some would say) so carrying 1.5l of Willow Water isn’t the least bit embarrassing!

If you want to find out more about Willow Water, and are interested in getting some for yourself check out their website below:


P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to be in a chance to take part of my free giveaway! 

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