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January 2019

Posted on January 18, 2019

How to be more period positive with BeYou patches

How To

A menstrual period can be the defining factor for womanhood in the eyes of many females even though some women absolutely despise theirs. Others, embrace their first bleed and believe it to be a central part of their identity as a woman. I always fell into the second category of women. Well, at least until recently… 

Growing up, I had what I liked to call ‘the perfect period.’ I used to menstruate at the same time of the same day of every month – it was like clockwork! My period lasted about five days and I thankfully did not suffer from any obvious menstrual pain. I did (and still do) get severe back pain and often subjected my loved ones to the occasional emotional outburst.

Fast forward a few years to when ingesting the mini pill became a regular part of my daily routine and my so-called ‘perfect period’ was no longer referred to as such. My flow became the absent father of periods which came and went as it pleased.

Thanks to progestin-only birth control, I now have irrational pregnancy scares at random because I don’t have a consistent reminder from Mother Nature to tell me I’m just being my usual over reacting self – the joys of synthetic hormones!

While both my menstrual cycle and flow now differ to my much-loved period of the past, I’ve managed to maintain the positive attitude that I’ve always had towards my monthly bleed. I think it is important to have open and shame-free conversations about menstruation and embrace the most natural thing a woman’s body can do! 🙂

How can we promote period positivity?

BeYou is a UK brand that I’ve recently teamed up with. The period-positive brand aims to break the stigma attached to periods by encouraging open dialogue around a topic that is still pretty much taboo for some people.

BeYou developed a pain relief product containing two natural ingredients which helps ease the muscular tension that can lead to period cramps. Using BeYou period patches can help women have a more positive experience every month which in turn may promote a positive attitude towards menstruation and the conversations surrounding it.

The two active ingredients of the patch are Eucalyptus oil and Menthol which get absorbed through the skin and help ease the muscular tension which causes period cramps.

3-step guide to using your BeYou period patches

Be You period patch

Note: The patches have a strong menthol scent as this is one of the active ingredients that will help ease your pain!

Be You period patch

Note: You can wear it in work, during a commute or even a night time. You can have it on for about 12 hours before you even contemplate using a new one!

Be You period patch

Note: I found it very helpful to remove my patch in the shower, it is fast and painless!


I am currently wearing one as I edit this blog post and I have to say, using a natural product that smells feminine, is easy to use and does what it says on the tin is such an empowering experience.

It makes me more proud to be a woman to see brands like BeYou join in on important conversations. I can’t thank them enough for getting me involved 🙂  

Where can you get yours?

You can purchase your BeYou patches on

If you are tempted to give BeYou period patches a try, then you can find out more about how to get a free month supply after you sign up to a monthly subscription (T&C’s apply)

Final thoughts

I’d like to finish up with a confession that will hopefully propel the conversation of period positivity even further. A confession that will remind women of the importance of having a healthy attitude towards periods and to encourage young girls to embrace what Mother Nature gave us. Here it is…

Hello, my name is Filomena and sometimes, I like the smell of my period. Some of you might find that gross, but I said it and I’m not taking it back 🙂

Do you have a period confession? If so, share it on Twitter using #ShameFreeMenstruation and let’s help BeYou keep this conversation going! This year is about breaking whatever is left of this bloody stigma – no pun intended.

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*Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for review purposes. But all views remain my own.

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bakerdays letterbox cake

product review

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, some of you might already be thinking about what to get your loved ones this year and the unnecessary burden that is put on both couples and singletons alike during this money driven holiday can often leave some people at a complete loss. But thanks to letterbox cakes delivered by bakerdays*, some of that pressure can be alleviated for you with little effort on your part 🙂

How does it work?

  • Step 1: Pick the occasion
    Decide on whether you want to send someone a cake for their birthday, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day or even a simple thank you cake – it’s entirely up to you!
  • Step 2: Choose your desired size and design
    While there are a number of designs to choose from on the website, you can decide to customise your cake to make it truly personal. You can then choose one that easily fits into your letterbox (as I did) or select a medium – large cake.
  • Step 3: Pick the recipe
    Some of you would be happy to know that bakerdays caters for food intolerances. You can choose a dairy/wheat/gluten free cake of your desired flavour: red velvet, chocolate chip, Victoria sponge or fruit cake.

The Delivery

The delivery for my letterbox cake was fairly quick, I didn’t have any issues with the waiting time at all. But what I will say is that the parcel needs to be signed for.

I know the idea behind it all is that it fits into a letter box. But at the same time, we don’t want all the hard work put into design and decoration to go to waste! So a signature is necessary upon receiving the cake.

The Cake

I ordered a Victoria sponge so it did taste like a classic Victoria cake. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised by how fresh and fluffy it was though (considering it had to make it’s way all the way from the UK to Ireland).

The cake I chose was covered by a layer of hard icing and the design (which I gave them free reign over for the most part) was fit for purpose – the office!

There was also a greetings card that came with the cake, adding even more of a personal touch to it 🙂

My Final Verdict

bakerdays letterbox cake

While I am a firm believer of giving gifts that are specific to a person, I also think that if there is one thing we can universally agree on, it is that everyone loves cake! The fact that bakerdays caters for people with food intolerances too is just the cherry on top! 🙂

So I think this would be a perfect gift to get your second half or even just a friend! It’s a cute way to show someone that you’re thinking of them!

To order your own letterbox cake and for prices, visit  🙂

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*Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for review. But all views remain my own.

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5 reasons I received a Google alert for my name in 2018


I never in a million years would have thought that my blogging achievements in twenty eighteen could ever amount to half of the accomplishments I had with Enhance What’s Yours in 2017. In fact, I spent the early days of twenty eighteen (excuse the overuse of this millenial slang), crippled with the anxiety that I may had set the bar too high for myself in the previous year.

I mean, when an open letter that took less than fifteen minutes to write makes international headlines, how could I possibly envision myself topping that? Hell if I know how, but I did! And when I reflect upon the year I had with my blog and the opportunities that I’ve been afforded through a brand for which I have taken many sacrifices, I can’t help but look back with a greater sense of gratitude.

The gratitude I feel towards the brand I’ve created far exceed any sentiments I felt towards my blog accomplishments in previous times. That’s not to disqualify any of my past achievements or to say that they are less significant. But it is mainly because I feel that the knowledge that I accrued in my second year of freelancing has helped me recognise that luck can only get you so far.

You also have to be willing to do what others won’t.

So without further ado, here are some of the main reasons why I received Google alerts for my name in 2018 🙂

1. My TV debut for ground-breaking Channel 4 series

As many of you know from the series of blogs I’ve published around this topic, I was part of the diverse cast for a two-part Channel 4 documentary called Genderquake. Filming for this ground-breaking series took in the beautiful city of Brighton in October 2017 and the show finally aired in May of 2018.

Genderquake explored gender and sexuality in today’s world by having ten strangers from all parts of the gender spectrum cohabitate for a full week and have spirited discussions about sexual identity, gender and everything in  between!

Shortly after hitting the screens, Genderquake was nominated in the MIPCOM Diversify TV Excellence Awards for Representation of LGBTQ, Non-Scripted which is more than any of us could have asked for or anticipated!

Knowing that my voice was part of a show that incited so much public interest both online and in real life is a great source of pride for me, particularly because I was so apprehensive about taking part in the first place.

Looking back now, I am so proud of my contribution on the show – taking the edits out of the equation of course! I met some truly wonderful souls and beautiful people who challenged my ideologies in ways that continue to intrigue me till today.

Twitter was also pretty gentle with me which was more reassuring than I care to admit. I had people from all backgrounds jump to my defense and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive 🙂

If you haven’t seen Genderquake yet, be sure to catch up on Channel 4 here.

2. Live TV appearance on Genderquake: The Debate

Following the release of the two-part documentary, Channel 4 aired a live debate in which myself and a few of the other cast members were invited to attend. The debate was hosted by news presenter Cathy Newman and saw a number of famous faces on the panel such as Caitlyn Jenner, Munroe Bergdorf, Germaine Greer, Ayo Caeser and Sarah Ditum.

While I had already been on television at this point, it was all still very new to me. To say I was hyperventilating at the thought of being on live TV would be be a complete understatement. Thankfully, I managed to answer Cathy Newman’s questions about my experience of being on the show with as much grace and elegance as the merlot I consumed allowed for.

Once again, a very proud moment for my inner nerdy introvert. You can see my response in this Twitter thread here.

3. Brand Ambassador role for Huawei Mobile Ireland

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While I did not receive a Google alert for this, I do think it is worth mentioning. I was given a brand ambassador role for Huawei Mobile Ireland which resulted in me creating exciting content and taking part in a sponsored campaign – not to mention getting a deadly new phone! 🙂

While I have done content placement and other sponsored content in the past, I had never been asked to work on a continuous campaign such as the one I did with Huawei Ireland. To put the cherry on top, the tweet I shared about the Story Sign app created by Huawei, performed incredibly well with an engagement rate of 3.9% and a reach of nearly 10k.

The media views I received in that one tweet even outperformed some of the ads shared by other influencers with twice or trice my Twitter following. I think all too often brands get fooled by influencers who appear to have a large following so knowing this gave me a completely new perspective on how to negotiate future collaborations with brands and it helped me see the value of my brand and what I have to offer.

4. Publication of first byline for

This might not seem like such a big deal to some people. But for me it is everything.

Throughout my many years of navigating my way within the Irish blogging scene, I have always identified more as a writer than blogger: it’s the one thing I was always sure of. In my eyes, writing for an Irish news site is about more than just massaging my ego. In a weird sense, it validated my work as a writer.

I had never pitched an article before. But after my success, I hope to share more of my thoughts on dating, relationships and female sexuality to a wider audience in the future. Seeing my byline on really gave me a high. Almost like runners high, but for writers – yes, I’m making it a thing!

If you have yet to read my article about making consent sexy – for the sake of both men and women, be sure to read it here. 

5. Featured in iNews for viral open letter

iNews feature about viral story

Last but not least, I was recently featured in where I was given the opportunity to share an honest account of how online trolling can affect a person’s well being. While I did write a blog post on how to deal with bad publicity, I had never really delved into the darker side of how I felt after the events that transpired online.

I finally mustered the courage to do exactly that in an interview with former HuffPost UK Editor, Poorna Bell for a feature in iNews. Much like many of my other endeavours and interviews, I was on the fence about this.But the award-winning journalist dealt with my story with great delicacy and care. Poorna was aware of the sensitivity of the topic during the whole interview process – even when she was trying to get to the core of what really happened.

I have so much respect for authentic journalists who strive to uncover accurate accounts of real life stories and I genuinely cannot thank Poorna enough for sharing mine in such a raw way.

To read my feature about the very real impact online trolling can have on a person’s well-being, click here.

A massive thank you to everyone who has been supporting me from day one! I wish each and every single one of you a sparkling New Year! I look forward to re-shaping my brand and blog for 2019 🙂

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