At 20, I thought I was indispensable. I whole-heartedly believed that if anyone spent enough time with me that they would eventually want to be like me. I was convinced that if I were anybody else, I’d be my own best friend. I would marry myself if I were a man. These were the thoughts that ran through my mind on a day-to-day basis. My grandiose sense of self importance had me under the impression that I couldn’t possibly be wrong either– and judging by that obnoxious status above, my guess is you’re not the slightest bit surprised.
It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that I was living in denial for most of my young adult years. I had little to no life experience meaning I was inherently unequipped to deal with the majority of life’s problems. Which is what worries me the most about why I thought I was God’s gift to the universe *bookmarks topic for next blog post*
However, even with my know-it-all attitude back in the day, there is very little I would change about being twenty. If I could go back and do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing. From being a jobless party animal throughout that summer (I still don’t know how I managed it) to horsing down an éclair au chocolat nearly every day for the year I lived in France (and still no booty gains) – I spent some of my best moments in life as a twenty-year-old.
So this in not me looking back and wishing I had done things differently. This is simply me recognising my 20-year-old self for the naive and in some cases delusional person that she was. If I had the chance to go back and shake some sense into her, this is what I’d say:
1. Get over yourself, nobody is trying to be you.
2. There are more valuable things in life to pride yourself on than being able to cut people off .
3. You’ll soon learn how to apply concealer….. and use a filer. You’ll probably catfish everyone you meet in the process, but that’s okay, you’re amazing remember?
4. Grey’s Anatomy is not real.
5. Not every situation requires you to strike a pose.
6. Blocking people is petty. Archive them instead,it’s less childish.
7. You’re spending an awful lot of time trying to decode a five word text message.
8. Stop crying over d*** that doesn’t want you.
9. He’ll be back.
10. Not every man is your daddy. Lower your expectations, it’ll spare you a lot of heartache.
11. Learn to accept people at face value.
12. You’re going to lose friends along the way, even the ones you think you can’t live without, you’ll be okay.
And finally, the golden words I’d tell myself then, now and quite possibly every day for the rest of my life: It’ll all be GRAND!!!
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