Posted on June 28, 2016

12 things I learned from being on POF



I know, I know – believe you me, I know. I have reached a new low *straight face emoji*

And the reason why I call it a low is because I’ve never been one to use online dating. If anything, I’ve always been the type to secretly judge those who did – let’s be honest now, how could you not be slightly suspicious of someone who is just a little bit too familiar with the workings of Tinder?

Whether it’s done consciously or not, there is an element of judgment when it comes to dating apps such as Tinder or PlentyOfFish. If it’s not ‘she obviously sleeps around,’ it’s ‘she clearly can’t get a man in real life,’ whatever the assumption, it exists.

Now before I dive into this, I think it is important to note that I am neither the former or the latter. My reasons for joining PlentyOfFish stem from pure boredom. That, as well as being a curious cat who is very adamant about not jumping on the Tinder bandwagon.

So one Saturday night (yes, I am quite the hermit ), I decided to put my curiosity to rest and go fishing for what I thought would only be a week, but ended up turning into three…..

Without further ado, here are 12 very important and in some cases, life changing things that I learned from being on PlentyOfFish –  because traditional education doesn’t always quite cut it!

1. I miss good old fashion chat up lines

Point Blur_Jun282016_185353

2. If all else fails, I could always be an escort


(A very cheap one, at that)

3. No profile picture gets you no messages


And here I thought POF users actually had a genuine interest in getting to know each other *sigh*

4. Then you upload three and this happens…


It’s like magic!

5. Black girl fetish is a thing

 Point Blur_Jun282016_191942

I kid you not…

6. Unless of course, you’re a casual racist

Point Blur_Jun282016_082711

 I didn’t think it could get worse either

7. Chancers, chancers, everywhere!


Can’t fault him for not trying…

8. There aren’t enough grammar nazis to save the younger generation


 Hy luv wat ye doin? X

9. When a man describes his hair as being ‘mixed colour,’ it usually just means grey….and he’s a fossil

pof grey

10. Persistence isn’t always key

Point Blur_Jun282016_084117

11. About 90% of POF users are obsessed with coffee and travelling

pof coffee

… I fall into the 10% that isn’t  

12. If he can recognise a strong brow game, then he’s a keeper


Or maybe he just has some really good chat up lines? Either way, it’s a shame I can’t say the same for the rest of them….


You say PlentyOfFish, I say Plenty of Fetishes….

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DISCLAIMER: I have blurred out the images and usernames in the screenshots to protect user privacy. They are unidentifiable (unless you received the exact same message as me, which in that case, I would have to wish you the best of luck!)

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  • Reply Bré June 29, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    Haha this is brilliant! Although the most messages I’ve logged on to is 3 messages ha… even with pics.
    Can’t believe you get messages like that though 🙁 (the casual racist ones- not the general creepy ones I get them ha)

    • Reply Bellefbeauty July 8, 2016 at 11:46 am

      Hahahaha thanks so much! Glad you got a giggle out of this!! xx 🙂

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