In this day and age, too many women are overly focused on making their weave and extensions look perfect that they neglect and mistreat their natural hair.
I’m not pointing any fingers here, because I was once on the same ship. Overtime, I have learned to treat the natural kinks in my hair and the more I do so, the more I love it!
D.I.Y hair masks have become a norm in my household, and while I will at some stage share the recipe we use for hair growth, I thought I’d first start off with a problem that women of many ages and races have to deal with on a regular basis: split ends.
There are different reasons why people get split ends: over washing, a lack of moisture, excessive hair styling tools, sun exposure…..the list goes on really! But the important thing is that it can easily be fixed.
Here are some simple remedies for treating split ends at home:
Egg mask
Crack an egg into a clean bowl and then add 1 tbsp of olive oil. Mix it up and then apply it onto your hair. Leave it on for 30 – 45 minutes and then wash your hair as you normally would.
Avocado trick
Mash an avocado and then massage it in your hair. Be sure to get a good coat on your split ends. Leave it in for about 25 minutes and then wash your hair as you normally would.
Honey rinse
Mix 2 spoonfuls of honey with a spoonful of curd and then massage it into your hair. Pay particular attention to the split ends. Leave the mixture on for about 25 minutes and then rinse it out water.
If you try one or two of these methods once every 2 weeks you will begin to see a difference, all it takes is a bit of discipline! Your hair is your glory, remember? 🙂