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Posted on March 18, 2014

Top 3 mascaras for longer lashes

product review/ Top products

As you might or might not know, I am crazy about eyes. A strong brow and long lashes always get the job done. Especially when you’re going for the ‘natural’ look.

Here my top 3 picks for mascaras that really make your eyes stand out:


1. BareMinerals Lash Domination,  €21.00 in Debenhams (see full review here).

2. Rimmel Scandal Eyes, €8.65 in Boots (see full review here).

3. Benefit They’re Real, €26.00 in Brown Thomas

Unlike the first two, They’re Real mascara by Benefit doesn’t give you that spider eye look. They do make your lashes longer, but I just find that Lash Domination and Scandal Eyes make my lashes look much thicker than they are (a bit of deception never killed anyone!)

Let me know if you use any of these mascaras and what you think of them!

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