On Wednesday evening, I attended the Wet n Wild Summer launch party with my favourite blogger gal Nirina of Killer-Fashion, which took place in 9 Bond Street Studios.
Initially, I thought the venue seemed a bit odd. It was dark and gloomy and it just didn’t seem like the best place to host a party – especially a summer one, for that matter! But as soon as we got upstairs to where the actual celebration was being held, those thoughts quickly vanished!
The upstairs scenery was more than just a little lively! The place was decorated with massive balloons and bright lights. The tables were covered with Wet n Wild’s newest makeup collection, feature product magazines, cupcakes and there was even a slush puppy machine it really brought out the child in me!
But the fun didn’t end there……
There was also a DJ on deck who kept us buzzing for the night, free glasses of bubbly on the house and two makeup artists who were showcasing Wet n Wild Products and doing makeovers at a makeup station. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my makeup done by any of those lovely gals. But I did see before and after’s which I loved!
Overall, I thought the summer launch party was a true reflection of the Wet n Wild brand itself – which you probably know at this stage – is bright, colourful and fun!
A special thanks to the Wet n Wild team, Amy and Caroline from Publicity Loft, DJ Avila Lipsett and everyone who helped put this whole event together!
Keep an eye out on the blog for upcoming reviews on Wet n Wild products! 🙂
Wet n Wild is available in Dunnes Stores nationwide, selected Penney’s and pharmacies nationwide. Check out www.wetnwildcosmeticsireland.com to find your local stockist!
1 Comment
sounds like a good night