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kale chips

Posted on September 28, 2015

Baked Kale Chips


baked kale chips recipe

As you probably already know, kale is quite popular among healthy eaters. Not only is it low in fat and calories, but it is great for helping with digestion due to its high fibre content. I normally add kale to my green smoothies, but every now and again, I like a crunchy treat.

If you have a weak spot for crispy goodness or even want a guilt-free crispy treat, then this 20-minute recipe is definitely worth giving a shot.


  • 3 handfuls of curly kale, washed and dried
  • 1 tsp of coconut oil
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp mixed herbs
  • Other herbs of your choice


1. After washing and drying the kale, cut into smaller pieces and remove the stems.

kale chips recipe 1

2. Mix the coconut oil with the herbs and then drizzle over the kale in a baking tray. Use your hands to ensure that the oil is evenly coated.

kale chips 2

3. Bake at 145C for about 15 minutes, or until brown and crispy.

kale chips recipe 3

4. Enjoy as a guilt-free snack!

kale chips 4

As you can see, this is such an easy snack to make and it is so good for you. Since I started making it, I have my mother is hooked! Hopefully, you get the chance to give this recipe a try, I look forward to getting some feedback! 🙂

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