Yesterday morning, was no ordinary Saturday morning. Myself and Lorna Duffy a.k.a Fashion Boss, got into our gym gear, tied up our sweet little ponytails and brought our yoga mats over to Merrion Square, for a high-intensity workout called VOGA.
In case the name didn’t give it away, VOGA is a combination of Vogueing and yoga, which is inspired by the 90s dance scene. It uses unique yoga movements, dance (which I like to call my cardio) and of course, fashion to give you a workout which tones and stretches the body. VOGA founder, Juliet Mullet was onsite to show us how it’s done.
She started us off with a pre-workout before getting into the hardcore VOGA movements. Once we got into it, we held ourselves in specific moves which turned into a routine of different poses: stand up tall, right arm forward, do the unicorn, and repeat. Switching from one pose to another nearly felt like we were striking poses for a photo shoot –that’s the whole Vogueing aspect of VOGA.
The playlist for this 90’s inspired workout, was as you would imagine, extremely upbeat. With the classics like ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ and Madonna’s ‘Get into the Groove,’ the whole thing was really fun and lively.
After a long sweaty hour, we got to help ourselves with the water which was prepared for us. Thankfully, we each got to take home a bottle of Sure spray deodorant – very much needed!
In the end, she got us all to strike our favourite Voga pose for the group photo.Some of my favourites were the ninja, the warrior and the unicorn – I felt quite empowered in the mist of it all! But since it is near impossible to see me in the group pic without squinting, here is a close up of one of the ultimate VOGA pose, don’t I just look so elegant? 🙂
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1 Comment
VOGA is something very impressive, I really enjoy it.
Have a look to my interview with the French ambassador :