I have a terrible habit of eating on the go. For some strange reason, I feel like time passes quicker when I’m chewing! So unless I have some sort of healthy snack prepared with me when out and about, I just end up at a corner shop buying something that makes me feel like I’ve wasted my morning workout –my inner dialogue never stops judging me for it!
My go-to snack have always been my infamous protein bars. But I’ve decided to give peanut butter and nuts in general a bit of a rest for a change (no pun intended!) and start reintroducing more seeds to my diet.
Sesame seeds are flat little seeds with a nutty taste. You’ve probably come across white ones in baking, but they also come in yellow, black and even red. For this recipe I will be using white sesame seeds and like most of these recipes, there is always room for variety! Once you get the swing of things, you can start adding your favourite nuts and seeds to this recipe.
For now, you will need the following ingredients to make basic sesame and honey bars –
- 2 tbsp oil
- 140g sesame seed
- 280g honey
- A pinch of sea salt (optional)
1. Heat up the oil in a saucepan and then add in the honey. Bring to boil before adding the seeds.
2. Throw in the seeds and mix continuously for about 8 minutes or until the mixture begins to thicken and caramelise.
3. Once the seeds begin to change colour, you can remove from the heat and flatten onto a lined baking tray or in this case, greased tin foil.
4. Cover up and put in the freezer for about an hour. Once it hardens, remove from freezer and break into parts.
Although they are quite hard to break, these bars have quite a chewy texture. They are perfect for conquering sugar cravings without the guilt! If you want to have them for snacking on the go, wrap each bar individually with tin foil!
Hope you get the chance to try this recipe out! These bars are so simple to make and yet so tasty! 🙂
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